Category Archives: Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week

Ponagansett Boys Basketball

Ponagansett Boys Basketball

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Ponagansett Boys Basketball!  This week’s spotlight entry was sent in by Coach Roger Forand: I would like to nominate the Boys and Girls Basketball teams from Ponaganset. This past weekend they hosted the annual Pinkout Basketball tournament with all proceeds going to help the fight…MORE

St. Rays Boys Soccer

St. Rays Boys Soccer

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week:Saint Raphael Academy Soccer! This week’s spotlight was sent in by parent Eddie Cardona: Saint Raphael Academy boys soccer team just finished their best season in school history with a 9-3-3, 4th seed , division 3. Their real accomplishment though is academic. The Saint Raphael Academy…MORE

Cumberland High School: Varsity Boys Swimming

Cumberland High School: Varsity Boys Swimming

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Cumberland High School’s Varsity Boy’s Swim team! This week’s spotlight was sent in by parent Donna Barboza: I am nominating the Cumberland High School Boys and Girls swim teams for their volunteering to wrap toys for the Cumberland Happy Basket program. Senior Captain Dave Barboza…MORE

Shea Football

Shea Football

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Shea Football! This week’s spotlight was sent in by coach Dino Campopiano: The players have worked incredibly hard over the past year. Not only am I impressed with them winning the Division 2 State Championship but I am more impressed with how these young men have…MORE

LaSalle Academy Cross Country

LaSalle Academy Cross Country

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: LaSalle Academy Girls Varsity Cross Country! This week’s spotlight was sent in by parent Chris Wilson: La Salle Girls Cross Country just won their 4th straight State Championship, and 8th State Championship overall. Their 8th title makes them the most successful program in the state’s…MORE

Cranston East Girls Volleyball

Cranston East Girls Volleyball

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Cranston East Girls Volleyball! This week’s spotlight was sent in by alumnus Geena Companatico: After coming one game short to RIC last year, the Ladybolts went 14-0 this 2016 season, and continued their success in the playoffs finishing 17-0. They brought back the first ever…MORE

East Providence Girls Soccer

East Providence Girls Soccer

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: East Providence Girls Soccer This week’s spotlight was sent in by Assistant Coach Stacie Delos: What a season our team has had! • Collected over 150 items for our local food bank • Participated in the Epilepsy Walk • The teams GPA is one of…MORE

Barrington Field Hockey

Barrington Field Hockey

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Barrington Field Hockey! This week’s spotlight was sent in by head field hockey coach, Holly Morris: It is without reservation that I strongly feel that the Barrington High School field hockey team should be named this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week.…MORE

West Warwick Girls Volleyball

West Warwick Girls Volleyball

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: West Warwick Girls Volleyball! This week’s spotlight was sent in by teacher, Bridget Giuliano: This team deserves recognition for overcoming a tremendous loss recently when a teammate was tragically killed in an accident. The team rallied around the player’s sister, also a team member, and the…MORE

Bishop Hendricken Soccer

Bishop Hendricken Soccer

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Bishop Hendricken Soccer This weeks spotlight sent in by parent (and fan) Gina Merlino: The varsity soccer team always participates in the Gloria Gemma 5k as a service project for the soccer team to raise money for breast cancer. As part of there family/son soccer…MORE
