Category Archives: Homepage

WATCH: Rhode Island in the 1940’s

WATCH: Rhode Island in the 1940’s

Check out this newsreel overview of the State of Rhode Island from the World War II era. See what you can recognize from this bygone era.MORE

VIDEO: Dad Films Ghost Swinging at Warwick Playground?

VIDEO: Dad Films Ghost Swinging at Warwick Playground?

A Warwick man’s video of a swing at Conimicut Park has gone viral, with nearly one million views to date. The father, shown sitting in his car with his children, watch as a large blue swing wildly goes back and forth, as if controlled by something otherworldly. The park appears empty, and the other swings next…MORE

Two RI friends’ zombie movie hits the big screen

Two RI friends’ zombie movie hits the big screen

Once a dream now becomes a reality as two lifelong friends who have down syndrome get to see their “Spring Break Zombie Massacre” film hit the big screen on Thursday. The film will premiere at Providence’s Columbus Theater at 7:30 P.M.MORE

Hasbro creates custom Chewbacca Mom action figure

Hasbro creates custom Chewbacca Mom action figure

She was invited to the toymaker’s Rhode Island headquarters last week and presented with an action figure with her head on Chewbacca’s body that comes complete with a removable mini Chewbacca maskMORE
